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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let's Talk Healthy Eating

Ok, so have you started your food journal yet?!? If not, get started NOW! A recent study found that people who keep a food diary lose twice the weight compared to those who do not track their foods. (Source:American Journal of Preventative Medicine). You can get yourself a small notebook that easily fits in a purse or breifcase, you can use an online journal (try www.fitday.com for free), or there's even apps to download to your phone. Point is, you need to start tracking your foods, exercises, weight loss, and goals. No matter how great any workout is, you absolutely, positively must be eating right or you won't lose fat. Eating whole, natural foods, high in lean protein, fiber, and healthy fats is the best diet plan for fat loss. Next week we will continue our healthy eating education, but for now check out these fat loss rules for success:

1. Eat breakfast EVERYDAY!
2. Think fiber, not carbs.
3. Eat some protein with every meal, aiming for close to 1g protein/pound of body weight.
4. Drink about 1/2 gallon of water for every 1000 calories you eat.
5. Keep fat under 30% of total calories consumed. This amount will typically come from foods you naturally eat, rather than adding fat to foods. That is unecessary and added fats are typically not healthy.
6. Drink unsweetened green tea throughout the day--aim for atleast 3 cups each day.
7. Have at least 1 fruit and/or vegetable at every single meal, with the goal of 5-13 servings total each day.
8. Get a few grams of fish oil each day, either through fish and/or supplements.
9. Do not skip a meal with the intention of saving calories.
10. Record what you eat and drink--self-monitoring is crucial to success.
11. Do not have an all or nothing attitude towards food--if you can get 90% of your intake to meet the guidlines listed above, you'll succeed.
12. Eat smaller meals throughout the day; never skip a meal to save calories, as this will likely lead to overeating.
13. Use caffeine in moderation.
14. Stay away from sugar-laden, caffeine-overdosed beverages like Red Bull (100 cal & 80 mg caffeine) and the drinks you can get at Starbucks (up to 400 calories & sometimes over 500 mg caffeine).

Whew! A lot of good stuff for you to "chew on!"

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