Let me Challenge you, Change you, and Cheer you on while you become the best version of YOU!

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Yay Burpees!

Yay Burpees!
You know it, baby!


That's how we roll!

Monday, September 26, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Change Your Password Challenge  

We’re all guilty of this sometimes….

We mindlessly do so many things during the day without even thinking about it.

Did you know over 40% of the things we do each day are automatic and done out of habit?

Think about something as simple as entering in your password for your email or bank account every day.

You most likely do it without even thinking about it.

Now what if you changed that password to an empowering thought, affirmation, or expression of gratitude?

This way, you'd be typing in something positive for the next 60 or 90 days that actually helped you focus on something positive, instead of just some random words like your street name or something you’ve just used for years.

Some Ideas:

Your challenge this week is to change ONE password to something positive.

Monday, September 19, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Take-a-Risk Challenge  

For some of you- your blood pressure may have gone up just by reading the title of this challenge!

Here’s a very thoughtful question:  When was the last time you took a risk to pursue something you truly want? 

Sometimes we get stuck in the merry-go-round of weekly tasks and we forget to challenge ourselves to become the best version of ourselves.

To grow and change, we have to take risks.  I love this quote…  "Monotony is the awful reward of the careful." ~ A.G. Buckham

This week's challenge is to take a risk!

1. What category or area in your life are you 'playing it safe' in or saying 'no' to an opportunity?

Think about fitness, education, your relationships, your career, art, personal growth, travel, etc.  Where haven't you stretched yourself in a while?

2. What ONE THING do you have on the 'back burner' because you don’t know where to start, or you have a certain level of fear or insecurity about it.   

Is it signing up for a 5k?  Trying a new activity?  Heading out of the country?

3. List all of the steps you need to take to make “IT” happen.

Pen to paper time.  Brainstorm a list of what you need to do to make it happen.  It might be a really short list - like "sign up for a class, show up, engage fully, complete the class."   Or it may be a lot longer depending on your end goal.
4. What single and IMMEDIATE action can you take TODAY that will propel you into momentum to take that risk?

Ready to jump out of your comfort zone and commit to the process today? 

Monday, September 12, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: New & Crazy Food Challenge  

We all have our favorite go-to foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even our snacks. 

Most of us get caught in the “familiar” trap where we tend to eat the same things over and over again. 

This week, your challenge is to switch it up and push yourself out of your foodie comfort zone!

This week, I’m challenging you to try THREE new foods this week!  To complete the challenge, you need to take a pic and and send it to me or post it on our Facebook page so we can all see what you’ve tried! 

Who knows…you may even discover a new “familiar” go-to!

Here are a few ideas to get you started…

• New ethnic food you haven’t tried before
• Different kinds of peppers you’ve never had
• Different meat- like venison, alligator, etc.
• Exotic spices to put on your home-cooked meals
• New vegetables or fruits you’ve never tried 
• The possibilities are endless!

Who’s in for this challenge!? 

Monday, September 5, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK:   100+ Challenge

Let’s kick up the intensity this week in our fitness!  

This challenge is AWESOME and you can do it almost anywhere.  

I’m challenging you to complete 100 reps of the following exercises for the corresponding day of the week.  

Here are the exercises: 

Mon: 100 Push-Ups (or modified) 
Tue:  100 Walking Lunges (100 per side)
Wed:  100 Pull-Ups (or assisted pull-ups)
Thurs: 100 Sit-Ups or 200 Crunches or 300 second plank hold
Fri: 100 BURPEES!
Sat: 100 Squats
Sun: 100 Your Choice!

You can break them up into any number of sets that you need to.  Make sure you have solid technique.  

So- care to join me for our 100 Challenge!?  

Once you’ve completed your 100 each day, make sure to let me know ☺