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Monday, May 29, 2017


Challenge of the Week: Detox from Stress Challenge! 

The statistics are staggering…  

·      77% REGULARLY experience physical symptoms caused by stress

·      33% believe they are living with extreme stress

·      48% feel their stress has increased over the past five years

·      48% have sleeping issues due to stress

·      $300 BILLION - annual costs to employers for employee stress-related health care and missed work

Chemicals your body produces when you are under stress turn on or off genes that change everything from how fast you age to whether or not you might develop cancer. 

Scary, isn’t it?  Stress is one of those invisible toxins your body faces every single day.

The GREAT news…is this:  “People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.” -Epictetus

This means- it’s ALL about how you look and perceive the situation.  There are a number of things that you can do to help “detox” from stress and shift into a more positive and healing state:

·      Try looking at things from a new perspective.  Instead of focusing on what’s “wrong” – focus on what’s RIGHT!

·      Find hobbies you enjoy to keep your mind from dwelling on problems.

·      Sweat away stress by exercising!

·      Positive affirmations, journaling, and meditation

·      Focus on being proactive and positive – be a fighter rather than a victim.

·      Learn to say NO and respect your limits.  Stop trying to please everyone.

·      Get rid of excess sugars & caffeine.

·      Have sex.

·      A hot bath is highly stress relieving.

·      Listen to awesome music!

Or you could just get a puppy … The point is, choices are many.

Let’s take a step towards balance this week. 

Are you committed to looking at things a little differently and intentionally reducing your stress levels?

Monday, May 22, 2017


Challenge of the Week: Smile More Challenge

Ever walk down the street and look at the other people on the sidewalk? 

How often do you see anyone genuinely smiling?  Most of the time, I see people buried in their cell phones sending text messages and not even looking up at the people right in front of them!

Technology is putting a real damper on human connection. The busier we get, the more we have on our minds and the less we SMILE.

According to a recent study, smiling can actually reduce stress.  Of course we don’t need a study to tell us this…you can feel it all by yourself. 

On average, kids smile up to 400 times a day, while most adults only smile 20 times. WHAT!?  That’s a crazy difference! 

How sad that more adults aren’t smiling more and enjoying or appreciating the small things in our lives.

When we smile, the muscles in our face contract and a positive feedback loop is created that reinforces feeling of joy. In other words, smiling can stimulate our brain’s reward mechanism in ways even chocolate cannot.

The interesting fact is that if you pay a little attention, you can practice getting back to that joyful state more often.  Here are a few simple ways:

1. Before engaging in any conversation or business meeting, try visualizing something that makes you genuinely happy. It will not only make you feel more calm and happy, but a genuine smile can get you a long way.

2. Practice smiling in front of a mirror. (sounds weird, but do it anyway!) You’ll know when it is honest because you will instantly feel relaxed and happy.

3. Make eye contact and smile at random people throughout the day!  If you’re at the grocery store, walking on a sidewalk, or passing someone in the hallway at work, look each person in the eyes and give them a big, genuine smile.

Your challenge this week is to do all you can to smile often and from the heart, because smiling makes you happier and helps you to live longer!

Monday, May 15, 2017


Challenge of the Week: Omega 3 Challenge

Did you know that about 95% of Americans aren’t getting enough Omega 3’s in their diet!?

All fat is not created equal!  Omega 3’s are on the front line of defense against inflammation – which as you may have heard, is at the root of nearly every disease.  It’s SO important to make sure we’re getting enough of this in our diet!

So what makes omega-3 fats special? Studies show Omega 3’s can:

·      Boost your immune system

·      Improve mood and prevent depression

·      Help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and plaque buildup in the arteries which can help prevent against heart attack and/or stroke

·      Reduce your risk for cancer

·      Help with concentration and learning

·      Improve the quality and health of your skin

·      Help prevent diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels

·      Reduce muscle, bone and joint pain

In other words, your body needs these healthy fats to function properly!

Here’s the catch….your because body isn’t capable of producing them on its own.  This means you MUST consume them as a part of your regular diet.

What are the best sources of omega 3’s?

Here are a few: mackerel, salmon, cod liver oil, herring, oysters, sardines, anchovies, tuna, walnuts, grass-fed beef, organic eggs, flax seeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds.

You may even prefer to take an Omega 3 supplement if you’re not getting enough naturally in your diet.

If you want to learn more about Omega 3’s, here’s a great article: authoritynutrition.com/omega-3-guide

So there you have it!

Are you up for focusing on Omega 3’s and eating more Omega 3-rich foods (or supplementing) every day this week?!

Monday, May 8, 2017


Challenge of the Week: Snack Responsibly Challenge

Snacks have such a bad reputation… and for a good reason considering what MOST people consider a snack! 

Between the stops at the vending machine and the grab-and-go at the gas station- most people are grabbing whatever is fast, sugary, and convenient. 

However- if you’re doing it right, snacks can be really great for keeping energy levels high, maintaining blood sugar, helping to nourish your body, and of course if you have kids- keeps them happy J

Choose snacks that COUNT…  that are high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber to help you stay full longer and won’t spike your blood sugar.
Just because they are healthy, doesn’t mean they won’t taste great!

Here’s a list of 53 healthy snack ideas that will satisfy even the toughest of taste buds: paleogrubs.com/healthy-snacks


·      ALWAYS listen to your body

·      Keep your daily caloric intake in mind

·      Only eat when you’re hungry

·      Plan your snacks in advance

·      Always have healthy snack options available

I know it’s hard to make smart decisions when your stomach is growling…that’s exactly why it’s SO IMPORTANT to make sure you’ve always got healthy snacks on hand.

One of my fav go-to snacks is an apple with a little almond butter.  Simple, easy to make, tastes great, and will boost your energy while nourishing your body.

So are you up for this week’s “Snack Responsibly” Challenge!?

Monday, May 1, 2017


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Rise & Shine Breakfast Challenge

Are you one of the 12% that don’t eat breakfast or one of the more than 50% of people who skip it at least once a week!?

I’m sure you’ve heard this a hundred times….but breakfast REALLY is the most important meal of the day!

People who skip breakfast will usually say it’s because they do not have enough time, would rather hit the snooze button, or simply do not have anything to eat at home.

THIS ----> Research has found that “skipping breakfast is associated with a significantly higher risk of obesity.”

And that’s not it!  If you eat a healthy breakfast…

·      It has been proven to improve spatial and short-term memory in children

·      It will boost your energy levels throughout the day

·      It will enhance your ability to concentrate, focus, and get stuff DONE!

·      It means you’ll be MORE likely to exercise more often

·      It means you’ll be less likely to drink alcohol and smoke

Want a few great options to choose from for a healthy breakfast!?

 Here’s a link to some easy to make and nutritious breakfast recipes: http://greatist.com/health/healthy-fast-breakfast-recipes

 Your challenge this week is to kick-start your day with a healthy breakfast!  No excuses allowed!

 Are you in?