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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Weight Loss Tips

•Control caloric intake and increase amount of daily activity with exercise.

•Drink plenty of water. This actually helps control your appetite, as feelings of hunger can actually be thirst. Water also helps carry away the breakdown of all t
hose fat byproducts you're losing.

•Carry or keep a sport bottle with you whenever possible. Take sips when you get a hunger pang. This is especially helpful if you spend a lot of time at a desk or computer.

•Use small plates when you eat. Portion sizes look bigger - and in fact, are more realistic to what a portion size should be. This will help reinforce your mental perception of a portion size as well.

•Try to eat slower. Take a bite, put down your fork and chew longer and enjoy the food you are eating. Don't pick your fork back up until you have completely swallowed the previous bite.

•Count to thirty while chewing. You should notice your food tastes better and you will also feel more satisfied. You can also try not to swallow until the entire flavor is gone from each bite you take.

•You may have heard this one before, but it really helps. Brush and floss your teeth after eating. This reduces the temptation to eat more and many say it helps them avoid late night snacking.

•Soda with sugar and juices are loaded with excess calories and don't help to fill you up, or satisfy hunger. They also trigger insulin production, which in turn can elevate hunger! Furthermore, they are filled with empty calories and lack important nutrients.

•Pay attention to the foods you eat and when you eat them. Many keep a food diary and find it very helpful and eye opening! You could be reaching for foods out of habit and not realize just how much or how often you are popping foods into your mouth you don't need.

•Never eat on the run. Your body will not even realize you have eaten causing you to feel hunger to eat again in a short period of time.

•Keep junk foods out of your home. They aren't good for anyone - yes, even those who needn't watch their weight. Rather, keep healthy snacks around and do the whole family a favor.

•Try to eat lots of high fiber foods. Fiber makes you feel full and will keep your digestive track clean by natural means. Getting enough dietary fiber will also help improve your energy level and your overall feeling of wellness.

•Before you go to a restaurant or a party, think about what you will and won't eat. When you get there, remember your decisions. You'll feel very good about yourself when you're home - and when you next stand on the scale. Please note also, alcohol intake is very detrimental to weight loss efforts. They consist of lots of useless calories.

•Hit a plateau? Do you best not to be discouraged. In fact, when you begin your new eating and exercising plan, expect this to occur so you won't get so frustrated when it does. And it does happen to just about all of at some point. Note, too that a plateau is even healthy and necessary. It wouldn't hurt to walk an extra block or so.
Practice visualization. Envision yourself weighing twenty pounds less. See yourself in the store buying that smaller size of clothing. Find a picture of how you would like to look and place it somewhere you will see it often. Many put one right on the refrigerator. If you can, find a picture of yourself at a thinner point in your life. It wouldn't hurt to have copies made to carry with you, too. Put them anywhere you feel they would help keep you focused on your weight loss goals.

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