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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where's That Sixpack???

Summer is right around the corner, and I can’t wait! O, I can wait on the heat and ungodly humidity...But now is the time of the year where who ever is NOT in shape starts trying to get in shape for beach season. They want a flat stomach, no love handles, and toned arms to proudly show off. Who doesn’t want this, right?!

Besides your Tiff-Fit Boot Camp and any additional exercise program, you need to have your diet in place. Cut out the sugary junk, don’t have any carbs at night (remember that blogpost: http://tiff-fit.blogspot.com/2011/03/late-night-eating-do-it-but-do-it.html), eat lean sources of protein through out the day and eat a ton of vegetables. Just by doing this, you will begin to lose weight and it’s not even like you’re dieting…(Ok, maybe for some it is--I sure would miss my chocolate and wine. Which I'm not going to give up entirely... I AM human, ya know!)

Now, not many people know this, but you DO have a six pack. Sometimes it’s just under a layer of flab. Everyone has a six pack, it’s called the Rectus Abdominus muscle. Check out the image below:

exercises for flat stomachThe Rectus Abdominus is the outermost muscle of the entire abdominal region. It’s main responsibility is flexion of the trunk. Hence why you do sit ups and crunches etc…

But the abs are like an onion. They are many layers deep and contain a bunch of muscles with many different functions. Many people get caught up to think that the only ab muscles they have are the coveted “six pack” and that you should do hundreds of crunches and sit ups a day to get a flat stomach. That’s completely false. Hmmm, and you wonder why I don't include crunches that often in our workouts...

What you don’t realize is the internal abdominal muscles are extremely important in not only lower back health (remember that core is more than just the front side!), but also making your stomach firm and FLAT.

The main muscle responisble for this is the Transverse Abdominus. It is the deepest muscle in the entire abdominal “onion.”

exercises for a flat stomach

The Transverse Abdominus will actually act as a girdle, pulling everything in and making your stomach nice and tight! AHHHH, now I know why Tiff's always saying to pull it in and zip it up and hold it tight! There's that waist girdle! I'm training you to strengthen the Transverse Abdominus but activating them ALL the time!

This is the area you want to hit hard and you don’t do it with crunches or sit ups.

Enter (in my opinion) the king of all abdominal exercises:

The Plank

The plank hits the deepest layer of your stomach targeting the Transverse Abdominus and Internal Obliques.

Here is a picture of the basic plank:

There are many variations (aren't there always!) to the plank, but this is the most basic kind where you stay in a static position and hold for X number of seconds. It’s a lot tougher than it looks. You all know that...And when you add in another dynamic like the up downs or traveling plank...forget about it!

So when you're at home and have a little time on your hand, or at the end of a workout on your own, try and do 3 sets and hold for 60 seconds each set.

Then of course is the side plank:

side planks for flat stomach

Try and do these for 3 sets each side for 60 seconds a set. Perform these after you perform your regular planks or alternate back and forth between plank and side plank like we do in Boot Camp.

And last but not least is planks on a stability ball. We've done these in class in some circuits. But if you have a stability ball at home, then have at it:

planks on a stability ball

These will be a lot tougher since you have to control the stability ball from rolling out from under you. This hits the Transverse Abdominus really hard due to the instability of the movement.

Go for 3 sets of 30 seconds after you have finished the other 2 exercises.

And there you have it. Three great exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home that I guarantee will help you on your quest for a flat stomach before beach season comes rolling around!

Who needs stinking crunches!?!?

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