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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top 5 Resolution Mistakes

Mistake #1: You Set Unrealistic Goals
Yes, you hear it all the time but this is the #1 reason why we fail to reach our "weight loss" goals. So what is wrong with the goal you set? Expecting years of bad habits and pounds of fat to magically melt away in a matter of a couple weeks. Fat loss is a process, a culmination of gradual and consistent changes you make to the way you eat, move and think. So - no more falling for the false idea that you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days. Realistic fat loss is 1-2 pounds a week.

Mistake #2: You Do not ask WHY
You must ask yourself this question: WHY weight loss? What is the REASON you want to 'lose weight' and 'get fit'? "I want to lose weight because...well because I am fat." That's a start but you must continue to dig to find a more emotional reason. Stopping here is where you get into trouble for there is no emotion. No emotion = no drive = no motivation to KEEP you moving forward when times get tough. So keep asking WHY until you get there. Make a list! What do you refuse to settle for any longer? Make a detailed list of all the things you want to change and ask WHY after each one. Keep Going...Next Ask: What are you missing out on by living in the body you now have? Continuing this lifestyle? When it feels too hard to answer - that's when you know you've dug deep enough. It is vital to tap into your REASONS for it not only creates focus, but provides you with the motivation to persevere. Now you have some work to do!

Mistake #3: You Keep Your Goal to Yourself
What is it you want to achieve? Be specific and write your goals down - do not commit them to memory for there is something magical about putting your goals on paper. A Harvard Business School study revealed that 3% of grads are successful, 30% are moderately successful and 67% just exist. The significant difference for the 3% who are successful is that they have written down, specific goals. Do it now....Write it, post it, share it, achieve it.

Mistake #4: No Plan
It seems obvious to have a plan, but the majority of us do not. And by plan I mean a step-by-step, day-by-day, take daily action process. Just writing your goals down is useless unless you actually have a PLAN for following through and taking the steps necessary to accomplish it. Get specific to the point where you are able to do something, then do it.

Mistake #5: No Concern for Obstacles
You must be prepared for the TOUGH times. Part of the skill in achieving your goal is learning to deal with adversity, setbacks, and surprises. Be flexible and take them in stride. Transforming your Body is about Progress....NOT Perfection! Trying to stick to your plan perfectly from day one will only set you up for disappointment. Face it--We will always have challenges - no matter how successful we are. View them as opportunities to learn and grow and they can actually help you become happier and even more successful.

Now.... It's time to rake an honest look at these Top 5 Resolution Mistakes and identify where you can take action to make a difference. It is time to change what's not working - enhance what is working - and think about new ways to make your body and your life what you want it to be. A benefit of being in boot camp is the added accountability and motivation that comes from losing fat and getting your body back with a group of women who "get it" and have similar goals as you. And remember, IT IS ABOUT DEDICATION NOT RESOLUTION !!!!

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