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Friday, October 21, 2011

Importance of Good Posture

Bad posture is easy to obtain as many common daily activities require repetitive use of the same muscles. This can lead to muscle imbalances, reduced flexibility, and leaves us more susceptible to injury.

Think of the times we are required to lift our arms towards the front of our body. Eating, washing our hair, cleaning the dishes and brushing our teeth just to name a few. When we continually use the same muscles, we tend to neglect the others. Similarly, if we spend a lot of the day driving, watching tv, or sitting at a desk our muscles tighten up because we are constantly in the same position. This lack of range of motion can lead to tightening of your postural muscles resulting in poor posture, rounding our shoulders, and a pelvic tilt.

Beyond aesthetics, a strong back leads to years of health and mobility.

Good posture:
  • helps decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces, preventing arthritis
  • lessons the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together
  • prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions
  • causes the muscles in your back to be used more efficiently
  • keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly
Poor posture leads to:
  • rounding of the shoulders, involving the posterior deltoids
  • tightening of the latissimus dorsi, causing rounding known as hunchback or Kyphosis
  • numbness in the legs
  • pain in the leg, neck, and back
I'll be back soon with more information about posture and muscle imbalances.

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