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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Craving Killer Tips

Did you know that scientists say sugar is as addictive as some drugs including cocaine, so it’s no wonder we can’t get enough once we start eating more of it.

With all of this in mind, here are THREE things to help KILL sugar cravings to fight fat and burn off the extra calories.

Tip #1: Get Going

I mean some form of moving your body. When you exercise your body releases feel good hormones that act as “crowbars” to pry away unhealthy sugar cravings. Have a craving for sugar? Do 2 minutes of exercise (like climbing stairs, squatting in place, burpees) and notice how they decrease.

Tip #2: Drink Like a Fish

Many people battle false food cravings that are really THIRST cravings. Many times your brain detects that you are low on water and it sends out a craving signal for you to drink more water but it’s misinterpreted as hunger. In fact, many people walk around in a mild state of dehydration all day and wonder why they can’t overcome cravings. Divide your bodyweight in half and drink that many ounces of water each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, shoot for 75 ounces of water consumption each day. It helps to flush your system and hydrate your body to burn fat and fight cravings optimally. Try it!

Tip #3: Don’t Eat By Accident

There’s a big difference in trying to lose weight by choosing healthy foods… and actually following a PLAN where you know exactly when, what and how much you’re going to eat each day and then tracking the results and adjusting accordingly. Make a list of what you’re going to eat for the next day each night (and make sure you have this food available) and stick to your plan. Eating by accident leads to extra calories in the form of snacking, larger portions and eating the wrong foods.

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