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Monday, September 19, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Take-a-Risk Challenge  

For some of you- your blood pressure may have gone up just by reading the title of this challenge!

Here’s a very thoughtful question:  When was the last time you took a risk to pursue something you truly want? 

Sometimes we get stuck in the merry-go-round of weekly tasks and we forget to challenge ourselves to become the best version of ourselves.

To grow and change, we have to take risks.  I love this quote…  "Monotony is the awful reward of the careful." ~ A.G. Buckham

This week's challenge is to take a risk!

1. What category or area in your life are you 'playing it safe' in or saying 'no' to an opportunity?

Think about fitness, education, your relationships, your career, art, personal growth, travel, etc.  Where haven't you stretched yourself in a while?

2. What ONE THING do you have on the 'back burner' because you don’t know where to start, or you have a certain level of fear or insecurity about it.   

Is it signing up for a 5k?  Trying a new activity?  Heading out of the country?

3. List all of the steps you need to take to make “IT” happen.

Pen to paper time.  Brainstorm a list of what you need to do to make it happen.  It might be a really short list - like "sign up for a class, show up, engage fully, complete the class."   Or it may be a lot longer depending on your end goal.
4. What single and IMMEDIATE action can you take TODAY that will propel you into momentum to take that risk?

Ready to jump out of your comfort zone and commit to the process today? 

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