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Yay Burpees!

Yay Burpees!
You know it, baby!


That's how we roll!

Monday, April 25, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: The Uber-Diffcult Complaint-Free Challenge

This week’s challenge is a little different.  

It’s one that will make you PAINFULLY aware of how often you do this one, seemingly innocent, but very destructive habit….  COMPLAINING! 

When you complain or gossip, it affects everyone around you.  Everything we say (and how we say it) is contagious. 

You can witness this in any conversation.  If one person starts to gossip or complain about something, the other people in the conversation almost always chime in.  

It’s unproductive, unhealthy, and unfortunately, we’re all guilty of it from time to time.  

So this week, I’m challenging you to make a PLEDGE to NOT complain, criticize, or gossip for an ENTIRE week.  

A complaint (for the purpose of this challenge) is anytime you: complain, criticize, or gossip.  

Your Penalty:  EVERY time you catch yourself complaining, criticizing, or engaging in gossip, you must put $1 in a jar.  

 By doing this- you’ll become very aware of how much you are doing this in your life.  

At the end of the week, donate the money in your jar to your favorite charity.  

Think about the message you want to spread each day.  

A compliment and positive outlook can make all the difference in the world.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: 300 Swings a DAY for a Week! 

I’ve been looking forward to this challenge for a while now.  Kettlebell swings are an INCREDIBLE exercise.  

They work pretty much every muscle in your body, and it requires a lot of energy to perform the movement…which means you’ll be burning a LOT of calories!

Adding kettlebell swings also promotes that coveted “after-burn” effect.  That means that even after your workout is over, your metabolism will be higher and you’ll burn more fat for up to 24-36 hours….pretty awesome.  

You’ll obviously need a kettlebell for this challenge.  If you don’t have one, you can pick one up at pretty much any decent sporting goods store. 

Here’s a great article with video explaining the kettlebell swing and how to progress up to it.  If you’re brand new to swings, this is a great place to start! 

Here’s the Challenge:

Level I: If you’re not familiar at all with kettlebell swings, that’s OK!  This week, your challenge is to just get familiar with the exercises and progressions.  Typically, women will start with an 15+ pound bell, and men with a 25+.    

Level II:  If you have experience with the kettlebell but are still working on your form, your challenge is to complete 100-200 swings per day with proper technique.

Level III:  If you’re proficient in the swing, your challenge is to complete 300 swings EACH day this week. 

Rules:  Break your reps up into as many sets as you need.  Don’t allow yourself to work fatigued.  As soon as your form starts to break, place the bell down and rest until you’re able to perform them with perfect form. 
(If you are a Tiff-Fitter, I will help you knock some sets out this week in boot camp and training ;-)

Are you IN for the Challenge!?  

Monday, April 11, 2016


Try a NEW Green Juice or Smoothie in honor of Spring!

Kris Carr says that green juices are like “jumper cables” for your body.  

When you drink a green juice, your cells soak up the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients much faster than if you were eating a regular meal….literally within 15-20 minutes!

This is because all of the fiber is removed, making digestion much easier and faster.  

(Because juices digest so quickly, it’s very important NOT to juice with a lot of sugary fruits.  Your blood sugar level will rise much more quickly than if you were eating these fruits whole.) 

Smoothies take a little longer (2-3 hours) to digest than juices, but still no where near as long as a regular meal which can take up to 6-8 hours.

Let’s super-infuse our bodies this week with healthy goodness by trying a new green juice or smoothie this week.  

By switching up the foods we eat on a regular basis, we’re getting a more complete nutritional profile in our diets.  

Here’s a great site to get some ideas: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-8155/3-yummy-green-juice-recipes-to-convert-skeptics.html

Who’s IN for the Green Juice Challenge!?  Share a great green smoothie recipe you love!

Monday, April 4, 2016


Challenge of the Week: Write it, Post It, Make it HAPPEN!   

Can you believe we’re already 4 months into 2015?  

Now is the perfect time to review, refresh, and set some new personal goals that really mean something and will have an impact.
Studies have proven that people who WRITE down their goals are more likely to achieve them.  

So today- let’s get HYPER-FOCUSED on one specific goal….something that you really want to change or make happen in your life.   

Life is not for coasting and taking the easy road.   Life is messy and comes with many challenges…but it also comes with incredible reward if we step up to the plate.  

Your Challenge of the Week comes in 3 steps:

1. Write down ONE goal that you want to accomplish on a notecard. (be specific!)  On that same card, list 1-3 action steps that you are going to take THIS WEEK to work towards that goal.  

If you want to take it a step further, spend a few minutes journaling about how you’ll feel once you’ve completed your goal and are successful.  (Important:  when you write this- write it in the PRESENT tense, as if you have already achieved your goal!)

2. Tape your notecard to a mirror/wall/fridge/desk in your home or office. (wherever you spend the most time)

3. Take a photo of the notecard and send it to a trusted friend or Tiff or post it on the Tiff-Fit Facebook page.

 We all have goals we need to work on, myself included!  

Let’s all hold each other accountable to completing our action steps this week so we can start off the second quarter of 2016 with powerful momentum!   Who's in?