CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: No Eating Out (Fast Food) for the NEXT 7 Days!
Your challenge this week is to prepare for your meals this week and STAY AWAY from the fast food drive-thru. This is gonna be a tough one as school is winding down and our energy levels are as well! It's easy and convenient to swing by and pick something up. But fight the urge!
Get out your brown bags and pack your lunch this week. Fast food is convenient, but it is low quality (cheap) food with a lack of nutritional value for your body.
It will leave you unsatisfied which will be sure to lead you to binge at night. You’ll also likely find you’re unproductive after eating such foods. At night, prepare some lean proteins and vegetables.
Eating out maybe convenient, but so is keeping your food choices simple by implementing lean proteins, veggies, fruits, and seeds/nuts in each meal.
Are you UP for this Challenge!?