This is your opportunity to pick ONE habit you want to change and commit to it the entire week. You take ONE bad habit and REPLACE it with a new one.
- You want to quit drinking Soda. You replace your soda with herbal tea and water all week. Or if you are drinking 3 cans a day, commit to exchanging out one can of soda for a bottle of water each day.
- You want to improve your Negative Self Talk. For each negative comment you make or think about yourself, commit to saying 2 positive things about yourself.
- You want to eat less of the “bad” carbs. Commit to replacing one sandwich with a salad and a lean protein for lunch each day.
The best way to actually make changes is to do something differently. Replacing your old habit with a better one is a great start to change!
Are you UP for this Challenge? Let me know your NEW habit by posting below!