We like habits and routines, so much so that we often keep doing the same things even when we know they aren't good for us. (I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me in my life.) Changing bad habits takes time and effort, just as it also takes time to reverse the damage already done to your body and see changes. For a healthy lifestyle, you may be changing a variety of things like:
* What time you get up each morning
* What time you go to bed each night
* How you spend your free time
* How you spend your money
* How you shop, cook, and eat
* How much TV you watch
* What you do with your family and friends
The rewards for making these changes are endless, but it's beginning that's so difficult. What does it take to change your lifestyle and how do you know if you're ready?
You have to want it. And you will have to put forth effort.
Some tips:
1: In order to change your diet, it is going to start at home.
Get rid of almost all of your things like processed foods. Anything that's in a bag or a box--Chips, Crackers, Candy, Meals in boxes etc. Also, always go for fresh fruits and veggies or frozen if you can't get fresh...never canned. They don't have the nutritional value you need and they aren't good for you.
The reason you need to get all the bad food out of your house is that when you get hungry for a snack or want to cook a meal, you will only have healthy foods around so you aren't tempted to make unhealthy meals or have unhealthy snacks. One tip also that might help is allow yourself a cheat meal during the week. If you don't, you're going to want to binge on everything bad when you get the next chance.
2: Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day.
Eating this way will keep your metabolism up, steady your blood sugar levels, and decrease your chance for nutritional deficiencies. Also use portion control. Only put 1 serving on your plate. If you you dish up a plate with more you'll be more likely to eat it. Same thing with if you're eating a snack out of a bag-- If you don't take out one serving (for example--granola or almonds etc.), you will most likely sit there and eat more of it because it's in front of you! So dish out "1" serving then put it away. Don't be worried about going over your servings with veggies as they are super good for you!
3.*Important* Prepare all your food in bulk for the week.
Because when you are in a hurry and hungry or just not feeling in the "cooking mood," you will most likely go for something easy and not healthy. So for example, on Sunday or Monday cook most of your food for the week. Bake 4 to 6 chicken breasts, a few sweet potatoes, cut and bag fresh veggies...like cauliflower, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, and carrots. This helps SO much. Just keep it all in the fridge, and when you're hungry you can simply grab it out and munch, or warm it up if necessary. This also means much less cooking throughout the week which will give you extra time for other things. Like exercising :)
4. Set a REALISTIC goal.
Are you one of those girls that wants to get in shape and started working out, but once you'd been doing it for about two weeks and didn't see any results got discouraged (or even quit)?!? You need to realize you're not going to see amazing results in two week. It's going to take a few weeks to start seeing results (which are harder to see in yourself), and then even a couple to a few months to achieve what you want in your fitness goals depending on what they are. So don't give up...You need to push yourself and find ways to motivate yourself until you see results which will motivate you even futher!! :)
Also don't get discouraged by not having a lot of weight loss. This is a mistake a lot of people make. When you're working out, you're gaining muscle and muscle is denser than fat. Check how your clothes are fitting and how your body is changing (body fat percentage and inches).
All this will help you not set yourself up for failure. A big reason people quit working out is because they get discouraged and are not motivated by results if they are slow showing. It takes time!!
Surround yourself with people that will motivate you...and motivate yourself.
Write down that "realistic goal" on a post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your pantry door. Then add, "I am Strong, I am Beautiful, I CAN do this!" to each one! It's easy for a person to forget their good qualities, and this will help boost your self esteem.
Or try putting up a picture of someone who motivates you, hang up an old pair of jeans that you used to fit into, or a sexy new two-piece you're ready to rock for a goal to work towards. And when you go down a size reward yourself with a new outfit!!
A huge motivator for me when I'm working out is music. It seriously pumps me up... and most of you know that "Pump It" is one of my favorite work out songs! Music can really push you!!
Remember : If you get into the habit of eating healthy and exercising, it will become easier and more routine. It's getting to that point that is hard! But you CAN do it!!! And I'll be here to help with anything I can! :)