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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Eat Properly

So you're thinking, "How to Eat? Of course I know how to eat. Every human being does." Sadly, this is not true. Our culture has distorted the innate act of eating sensibly by its overwhelming abundance of food. Sure, the presence of a culture that is sufficient and advanced enough to feed all of its citizens three times what they actually need is comforting, but along with that comes obesity and disease. Read on to learn the tips and secrets to eating properly and maintaining a healthy body.

1.Know what being hungry feels like. This takes some practice. Know that being hungry is a feeling of needing food, any food, in the pit of your stomach. It is not your mind thinking about what it wishes you could eat. When you know you are truly hungry, recognize what this feels like and remember it so that you can recognize it in the future.

2.When you're eating a meal, stop when you're satisfied, not when you're full. Don't you hate when you feel as if your stomach is so gorged it's going to explode? This is a sign that you have made a mistake in how you just ate. After you're done eating, your stomach should feel good, not hurt or stressed.

3.Eat only when you're actually hungry. Our culture seems to think that people get hungry at about 9 AM, 12 noon, and again at 6 PM. While this may be a generally good schedule for eating, remember that (usually) you don't have to eat at meal time if you're not hungry yet. Also, if you are hungry between meals go ahead and have a healthy snack. It's not good to starve yourself between meals; you'll just eat more when the meal comes. It's all about listening to your body. You cannot follow this suggestion, however, until you have mastered Step 1, knowing when you're hungry. Another thing to remember is that by eating whenever you're hungry throughout the day, you shouldn't be eating so much at meal times, because you won't be as hungry and because you haven't waited and starved yourself. If you follow the suggestion of eating between meals if you're hungry and at the same time eat the same amount at meal times, you'll only end up gaining weight.

4.Watch the documentary "Super-Size Me." It will show you how twisted our culture has become not only with its fast-food addiction but also with everyday eating habits and the problems associated with them in a candid and amusingly influential way. Most people who have seen this documentary are swearing that they will change their eating habits before the credits even roll around.

5.Realize that in general, your portion sizes are probably too big. As you will have seen from watching "Super-Size Me," accepted portion sizes have practically doubled in the past 50 years. Remember that your stomach is about the size of your fist. Don't expect to stuff 10 times that amount of food into it without negative consequences. Also, your stomach will get bigger when you're used to eating a lot. If you only eat small amounts of food at a time, your stomach won't ever stretch out like it does when you gorge yourself on a big meal, and then, with a small stomach, it won't take as much to make you feel full. You can do this by only taking a little tiny bit of food onto your plate, and when you're done with that, sit back and feel whether or not you're still hungry. If you are, get a tiny bit more; however, you'll find that you're usually not still truly hungry.

6.Have many small meals, rather than a few big ones. This goes along with Step 3. Nutritionists point out again and again that this is a better, healthier way to eat. In general, it is considered healthier to eat five meals a day than three. In fact, if you watch any makeover or weight loss reality TV shows, they are always eating about 5 to 8 meals a day (with small portions and healthy choices at each meal, of course). This is because it keeps your body in the digesting-food mode. In scientific terms, it keeps your metabolism up. Think about it, if you've eaten barely anything all day, your metabolism will be slowed way down, then when you finally do eat, your metabolism will be so slow that your body won't be using it and digesting it efficiently.

7.Eat breakfast every day. This starts your metabolism going early in the morning (since it slows down at night because you haven't eaten anything for awhile).

8.Exercise. This again raises your metabolism, not to mention burns calories. Exercise also increases the digestive process, speeding up digestion. To get all you can out of exercise, try to combine typical gym-related work such as running on the treadmill and lifting weights with "fun" work like biking, hiking, or playing soccer with your kids.

9.Take advantage of science's low-fat inventions. Don't feel stupid when everything in your cart at the grocery store has some form of "low-fat" on the carton. The fact is that low-fat substitutes are lower in fat than the originals and more practical for today's lifestyle (where you aren't scrounging to get enough fat into your diet, like humans did in prehistoric times). And it doesn't take that much out of the taste.

10.Keep in mind that sweets aren't the only things that taste good. Yes, everyone knows that cakes and cookies taste good to your taste buds. You, however, have an over-abundance of fatty foods at your disposal and by no means should be eating it as much as we do today. But yes, it does taste so good. But remember, other things taste good, too. How about some nice spicy grilled chicken? Or a tropical banana smoothie (with low-fat yogurt)? And doesn't Marinara sauce on pasta taste good? These are all perfectly acceptable foods, eaten in moderation of course, as with everything else. And even foods that don't seem so appealing can taste good with a little preparation, such as adding some cinnamon to applesauce, or cooking broccoli before eating it if you don't like the taste of raw broccoli.

11.Fruits and vegetables are your friends. Buy a large variety of nice fruits and vegetables and eat them at meal times and for snacks. Keep in mind that lettuce, celery, and carrot sticks have almost no calories, and a sensible portion size of most other fruits and vegetables have less than 100. And remember, they taste good! If you don't think so, keep this in mind: how good does alcohol initially taste? Yet billions of people cultivate a taste for it because they want to. You can do the same with healthy food.

12.Don't fantasize about food. It is a proven fact that watching TV makes you want to eat more. It's because of all those mouth-watering commercials with close ups of perfectly prepared food. Don't watch these; it does nothing for your stomach to just think about food. Also, don't fantasize on your own time about just how great devouring an entire ice-cream cone would be. Just push it out of your mind and think of something else, then you won't want it as much. Or, think about how good those fresh strawberries you're going to have with lunch are going to taste.

13.Don't waste calories on drinks. It is a good idea to drink water or flavored water whenever possible. It not only is great at hydrating you, but has no calories. A glass of most other drinks have 100-200 calories, and they don't make you feel any fuller. In essence, drinking something other than water does nothing for you except quench your thirst and adds calories to your count for the day. Just think, if you normally have three drinks a day other than water that is about 500 calories that you could cut out by having water instead.

14.Eat slowly. Chew your food well. This means at least 10-20 chews per bite of food. And no, you can't just take bigger bites so that this is a reasonable amount of chews; take small bites also. Remember that it takes about 20 minutes for your full-feeling to get into your stomach, regardless of how much you eat. You could eat 10 plate fulls of food, and as long as you did it within a few minutes, you still wouldn't feel full.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Stop Sweet Cravings.

Cravings are a sign from your body that it needs something - either because of a deficiency in your diet or an addiction. Women get sweet cravings the week before or week of their menstruation because their bodies need more carbohydrates at this time. If you get daily sweet cravings, it's most likely your body is addicted to the sugar boost. It takes time to eliminate an addictive craving, but following these steps will get you there.

1.Substitute fruits and juices for candy and sweets. The sugars in fruits are digested differently than the empty calories of white sugar that are in most candy and processed foods. The fiber in fruit also slows the absorption of the sugars so you don't get as high a sugar rush (and as low a crash).

2.Go for quality, not quantity. Eat a small piece of 70% dark chocolate instead of a candy bar. Have a small scoop of gourmet ice cream instead of a bowl of light ice cream. The treat will be more satisfying and you'll be consuming less sugar overall.

3.Avoid artificial sweeteners. Studies have shown that eating foods with artificial sweetener (i.e. diet sodas) can increase the frequency of sweet cravings.

4.Wait 10 minutes. Do something else. If, after 10 minutes, you still want sweets, have a small treat. Most of the time, you will discover the craving has vanished.

5.Don't go cold turkey. Reduce the size of your treats instead. If you're sugar cravings are frequent, eliminating sweets all together will set you up for failure. Slowly cutting back on the amount of sugar you eat will help reduce the frequency of cravings

6.Improve your diet overall. Whole grains, healthy fats and lean meats (animal that run most of their lives, not stand around all day eating) make you feel full and satisfied.

7.Small frequent meals help keep your blood sugar level and eliminate your body's need for a quick sugar fix.

Hi, my name is Tiffany, and I am a sweet-aholic! It is definitely an addiction for me, but these strategies are very helpful, and I am trying hard to follow them to cut back. I hope you find success with them too. What strategies do you use to ward off a sweet tooth? If it's something new and different share with us and earn a chance to win a free gift card to Smoothie Factory. Your name will go into a drawing for it. Post your comments by Monday evening, and I will draw names on Tuesday morning.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to Evaluate Your Eating Habits

We all realize that we have to eat to live; plus we know that there is a thing called too much or too little...if we are overweight, then we must be eating too much or have an underlying problem that needs to be checked out.

1.Now if a person is looking like the wind could blow them away, it's very obvious that they are not eating enough...or that is just the way that their body reacts to food. On the other hand, it is always good to have regular checkups, in order to be on the safe side.

2.Too much saturated fat can lead to coronary heart disease. Choose nonfat milk, don't choose cheese and butter (or margarine with Trans fat) most of the time, and eat plenty of lean meat. Stress also causes problems.

3.Keep in mind for the ladies that thin may be in, but curves still look great. However, this article is about being healthy and feeling good about yourself, meaning the men too...and feeling that you are in control makes a person feel good about themselves...and that's a good thing.

4.Now while you are studying about losing those extra pounds, keep your skin in mind. You don't want to lose the elasticity of your skin, for it is your skin that keeps you looking young. Don't try to lose the extra pounds too fast.

5.Keep in mind that you don't want to end up with a body that fits into a bikini but a face that looks like the air was let out of it, like letting the air out of your tire. A sensible approach is the right way to go about losing unwanted pounds--make it a Life Changing Decision.

6.You should keep in mind that losing weight shouldn't be something that you try to do fast; take your time. Exercise can speed up the process, but don't come up with an exercise plan that you'll realistically never be able to maintain. The same applies to changing the way that you eat: think sensibly about it.

7.You are basically going to train your body to like the way that you eat, and in time you will appreciate that you made the changes. You'll feel healthier, too.

8.You first need to allow time to sit down and enjoy your meals. Learn to eat out of a small bowl instead of a huge dinner plate. Have a cup of soup instead of a large bowl. Having a little of this and that works great, such as mashed potatoes with a little of (Cream Mushroom) soup poured on top...or Chicken Vienna Sausages with a little (Honey Mustard) Barbecue Sauce.

9.You should always maintain a high fiber diet. In other words, "Enjoy them beans!" When you do eat bread, have Whole Wheat. Every once in a while, have a biscuit or two to add some bulk to your diet. Wheat biscuits that come in a can are pretty tasty, and good old homemade ones are always nice.

10.Never let yourself get so hungry that you want to eat everything. Grab some unsalted nuts or a banana or an apple. You are not obligated to eat a big lunch, and it is probably best that you don't. Eating will often make people want to take a nap, but this is not the main reason for not eating a big lunch. The main reason is to start training your mind and body to think differently about food.

11.Program yourself to think of a real meal as something with plenty of lean meat and fruits and vegetables.

12.If you just have to have bread with your meal, try having Whole Wheat.

13.If you are feeling a little drained or you're just wanting a fast pick me up, have a tablespoon or two of (Reduced Fat) Peanut Butter.

14.If you like sweets but really don't want all the calories or the rest that goes along with it, have an occasional (Three Musketeers) Candy Bar (whipped chocolate), York Mints (which are a low fat food), or Angel Food Cake that's made with egg whites...look for sweets that don't contain trans fat.

*Learn to cut your sandwich in half and then cut each half in half (making small "finger sandwiches"). You'll find that you may only eat three of them instead of the entire sandwich. *Eat slowly and chew.
*You should not look at depriving yourself as a positive thing; balacing and monitoring your diet is something wonderful...in time you may wonder why you didn't make a change sooner.
*Now if you just really love Fried Bacon and Chicken, try this...get the faucet water real hot (using hot dogs tongs) hold meat underneath the faucet and rinse well...place the meat on a paper towel to drain; put on your dinner dish and eat.
*Have you ever been out to a restaurant and ate, and later started having your fingers swell, and you just didn't feel quite right? You may have taken in too much sodium. It is hard to get around the sodium when you are eating out, since a lot of food is already pre-mixed at restaurants...such as Guacamole, Crab Dip, etc. The best thing to do is drink lots of water: you'll feel better in no time at all.
*Use moderation in developing an eating and exercise plan that works for you. Keep in mind that too much of anything, even of good things, can often have a negative impact on you: stick with using the key of moderation.
*Every once in a great while, treat yourself to something special, like when you are out having lunch with someone. Have a chocolate milkshake or maybe a large hot fudge sundae (with two spoons) to share with your friend or family member. Again, eat in moderation.
*Take your time on losing weight, and just stick with a good program...work towards maintaining your weight as you lose. Your goal should be more towards good health; plus it is nice to look good in your clothes...and how they fit is always a good sign to how your body is changing for the better.
*Remember that drinking water is good for you, so why not drink some before eating...it will fill you up so you won't overeat.
*Don't devour food or "wolf down" your food like it is going to be your last meal...take your time to eat. If there is not much time to eat have a light snack.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets. :)

Be strong and wise in your eating habits. You CAN make a change for the better!

No special reward today for posting, but I still welcome your comments.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Benefits of Strength Training for Women

The benefits of weight training for women and those over the age of forty far outweigh those that just choose cardio. Yes cardio is very important, but to add resistance training will add many benefits.

Over the last decade, researchers have made extremely compelling arguments for the benefits of strength training for women and those over the age of forty. Still, the number of women who take this recommendation to heart is still quite low.

Most women who exercise are spending most of their gym time on cardiovascular exercise and less time using resistance that challenges their bodies. Resistance training does not have to be hitting the weight room with an all-male crowd and intimidating machines. You have options and you owe it to yourself to explore them. Our boot camps give you an opportunity to be in a fun, social environment with other women while incorporating some resistance training into your workouts. This will allow your body and mind to grow rather than doing the same old routine without progressive resistance. Here are some benefits of including strength training in your workout routine:

1. You Will Lose Body Fat
Studies performed by Wayne Westcott, PhD, from the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts, found that the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat.
As your lean muscle increases so does your resting metabolism and you burn more calories all day long. Generally speaking, for each pound of muscle you gain, you burn 35 to 50 more calories each day. That can really add up.

2. You Will Gain Strength Without Bulk
Researchers also found that unlike men, women typically don't gain size from strength training, because compared to men, women have 10 to 30 times less of the hormones that cause muscle hypertrophy. You will, however, develop muscle tone and definition. This is a bonus.

3. You Decrease Your Risk Of Osteoporosis
Research has found that weight training can increase spinal bone mineral density (and enhance bone modeling) by 13 percent in six months. This, coupled with an adequate amount of dietary calcium, can be a women's best defense against osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease of bone leading to an increased risk of fracture. The bone mineral density is reduced, bone microarchitecture is disrupted, and the amount and variety of non-collagenous proteins in bone is altered.

4. You Will Improve Your Athletic Performance
Over and over research concludes that strength training improves athletic ability in all but the very elite athletes. Golfers can significantly increase their driving power. Cyclists are able to continue for longer periods of time with less fatigue. Skiers improve technique and reduce injury. Whatever sport you play, strength training has been shown to improve overall performance as well as decrease the risk of injury.

5. You Will Be Physically Stronger
Increasing your strength will make you far less dependent upon others for assistance in daily living. Chores will be easier, lifting kids, groceries and laundry will no longer push you to the max. If your maximum strength is increased, daily tasks and routine exercise will be far less likely to cause injury. Research studies conclude that even moderate weight training can increase a woman's strength by 30 to 50 percent. Research also shows that women can develop their strength at the same rate as men.

6. You Will Reduce Your Risk Of Injury, Back Pain & Arthritis
Strength training not only builds stronger muscles, but also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability. This acts as reinforcement for the joints and helps prevent injury. A recent 12-year study showed that strengthening the low-back muscles had an 80 percent success rate in eliminating or alleviating low-back pain. Other studies have indicated that weight training can ease the pain of osteoarthritis and strengthen joints.

7. You Will Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease
According to Dr. Barry A. Franklin, of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, strength training can improve cardiovascular health in several ways, including lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol, increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. When cardiovascular exercise is added, these benefits are maximized.

8. You Will Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes
In addition, Dr. Franklin noted that resistance training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes is a growing problem for women and men. Research indicates that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in four months.

9. It Is Never Too Late To Benefit
Women in their 70's and 80's have built up significant strength through weight training and studies show that strength improvements are possible at any age.

10. You Will Improve Your Attitude And Fight Depression
A Harvard study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than standard counseling did. Women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable as a result of their program, all important factors in fighting depression.

Women who slowly and modestly gain more muscle will change their body composition. Such women will have more lean body mass and less fat. Finding a good fitness center and strength training program should be a priority to you. We've got a great gym right here that could address your fitness needs! We offer machines that have adjustable resistance, free weights, treadmills, eliptical machines and bikes, pilates, and many more kinds of equipment for your workout pleasure! All this with a qualified staff will allow you to adhere to an exercise program. And as an added bonus, for the first person who posts a comment to this article, I will offer a free 30 minute private training session!